find me
nelson saturday market
You can find New Generation Liquorice Nelson/Marlborough most Saturday's at the Nelson Saturday Market, Montgomery carpark, central Nelson - 8am - 1 pm.
Sometimes I can be at other events on a Saturday, please check the list below and my Facebook page as I post there weekly to where I will be.
market dates 2024
You can find New Generation at these markets:
*Gardens of the World Christmas Market - Corner of Patons Road & Clover Road, Hope - 10 am -2 pm
* Garden Marlborough Fete - Pollard Park, Blenheim - Sunday 10th November 2024 - 9am-3pm
* The Great Christmas Market - Founders Park, Nelson - Sunday 24 November 2024 - 9am - 4pm
* Mistletoe Market - Pollard Park, Blenheim - Saturday 7th December 2024 - 9am - 3pm
* Richmond Market Day - Richmond CBD - Monday 30th December 2024
retail outlets
If you are out and about and looking for New Generation Products you can find these at the following outlets.
Richmond :
* Connings Food Market - 151 McShanes Road, Richmond
* The Junction - 151 McShanes Road, Richmond
* Gloria Jeans Coffee - Richmond Mall, Richmond
* The Flower Farm - 418 Appleby Highway, Hope
* Chocolate Velvet - 435 Nayland Road, Stoke
* Jared's Fruit & Veg - 151 Aranui Road, Mapua
* Celicus Coffee - 16 Old Wharf Road. Motueka
* Motueka Floral Studio & Lolly Shop, 159 High Street, Motueka
* Challenge Riwaka - 408 Main Road, Riwaka
*Calamity Janes Ice-cream Caravan - Main Road Murchison
* The Broadway Tearooms & Bakery, 31 Broadway , Reefton
Rai Valley:
* The Brick Oven - Main Road, Rai Valley
* Havelock Healthcare - 65 A Main Road, Havelock
* Sneaky Beach Cafe - 65 Main Road, Havelock
* Runway Cafe - 760 Middle Renwick Road, Renwick, Blenheim
delight in every bite